zaterdag 7 november 2015

Refugeecrisis, charity and mafia. What are the links?

A wonderous phenomenon is now taking place in Europe: everyone want peace and warmth for everyone. Isnt it wonderful how hospitable, sweet and warm European people are?

Maybe not ...
A few things make this crisis very complicated. Not to mention the multiple paradoxes.
There are some complications, to understate things:

Germany said "nein" to Greece people who begged for forgiveness and asked the whole of Europe to put measurements of austerity. Including states where people's faiths were comparable with those in undeveloped countries: high grade of poverty in comparision with the mean European citizen, pressure to leave the houses where they saved and paid all their money for, lack of medicines, spikes in suicide rates, high unemployment grades (50% among Greece youngsters).
It all happened under our eyes and Mutti Merkel said "no". No exception can rule, not for Greece, not for Ireland, Spain, Romenia. You just have bad luck to be born in the wrong country, or in a country with the wrong government.

Some months later Germany puts open its doors to welfare as width as possible for people from a total other continent, from a total other background, not sharing our basic principles and values and all which we see as "civilised". Not even having voted for a democratic system.
Believe me, if these people wanted the middle east to be peaceful, it would have been. And they wouldn't have been fighting for almost thousands year now.
Because of the German reaction to the crisis in Turkey - which it is. These people are called refugees. Are people who leave refugeecamps close by their border refugees? Well, than they are refugees.
But as far as I know in this refugeecamps there is no war. The majority of the refugees from the middle East travelling acrosse Europe to reach one of the "promised countries" has left a situation from a refugee camp that seemed endless and hopelesness. Because the situation doesn't seem to improve.
At least a stay in Europe sounded more tempting.
Ironically, costs (a strange thing to call humans "costs" but okay, at some point you also have to make economical attributions) to house an asylum seeker here is not only far more expensive than when these people would have been housed in Africa, a continent that can use some growth in economic welfare and employment grade. It is also far more expensive to house and serve them in western countries where the average costs per head is roughly estimated to be around 1200 euros per month (including: housing services, juridical, social and psychological assistance and administrative services). In Belgium per example, 1200 euros a month is being paid towards housing services that do want to house asylum seekers per person. So if you have a house and would like it to be rented by asylum seekers, you get 4800 euros a month. It doesn't need to be stated, that this houses are not being exploited by particular people themselves, but by charity organisations or non-profit organisations. Not to say: humantraffic or organised mafia and charity organisations are closely connected in this situation...

So how do you think "native people" from the country now flokked by asylym seekers will react, seeing that these people cost their governments who took every single eurocent extra they had away for the damn of their country expenses being in balance, which was demanded by the European Comission for austerity reasons, of which 20% noting their own native and well-educated children do have no chance on the labour market despite relentless efforts?
How do you think the average European citizen will feel? Let's say a Greek or a Spanish person, knowing that the minimal wage in Spain is 600 euros, without any assistance socially, psychologically, juridically in whatever way and without guaranteed housing? In contrast, people were put out of their houses? A flee some started with a jump from their balconies or rooftops...

Only because they are white? European? Living in a democratic country? European wants to fake poverty in the European Union doesn't exist and we can offer great lifes blessed with welfare for non-EU-immigrants not even being able to make sure no-one already in the EU is hungry?

I would guess, these people will feel a little bit surpassed...

dinsdag 27 oktober 2015

Migration to the west, the right way to go?

In Europe the unemployment grade today is +10%. For southern countries, the situation is even worse.
That is why migrating to a southern European country for an African migrant or refugee (from Syria or Irac) might not be that interesting.
Especially not if you realise a lot of Portugese and Spanish people moved to there former colonies for work. Which apparently there were no work forces enough for in these countries?
However, massive floods of people go to western Europe these days. A roughly estimation of 2 million people crossing the border can be made for 2015. Most of them heading to countries like Germany, Belgium, Holland, the U.K., Denmark and Sweden.

So why then this migration ?
If there is no future there, back in Africa, most of all the middle east, what is the perspective here?

There already IS an extremely high rate of unemploymency troughout western Europe among a lot of people. To give an idea: the unemployment grade about Brussels youngsters is 28.9% at the end of September. (Which is better than Greece with a youth unemployment rate of 50%, which is unfortunately the same as in Europeans capital in some quartiers). The global unemployment rate in Brussels is still above 20% (table from 2010).
This people seem to belong a lot more to the following category than not, often:
- they have a lower education than average (no matter if they are european and speak the language and have the same cultural background and habits or not)
- they have other cultural backgrounds (despite if they share the language or education status)
- they have other ethnic backgrounds, specifically non-EU backgrounds
- young people (below 26)

The situation is even harder, because for non-EU migrants all this factors come together:
having no - or no appropriate education, stem from a background which is incomparable with the postmodern european society and it's organisation (e.g., public services: health services, mobility, post services, consuming patterns, even the way you get food what you eat and of course what food is eaten or how you go to the toilet, how you wash and how often, ...).
Of course don't speak the language, have another alphabet, being adapted to another climate and culture and often have another religion.

Of course, when you stem from a country with a total other culture and language, it is not strange that it is more difficult for you to adapt to total other local habits.
First thing is you have to learn the language. But no matter how hard you exercise, unless you're younger than 6 you'll never speak it as native people do because the laryngopharynxc structure of the mouth will adapt towards the phonetical sounds it has produces before that age. So you'll never speak properly German, French, Dutch or another western European language. As a consequence, it will be hard for you to express yourself and people listening at you may have a hard time understanding what you mean.
Reading the language might go more easy. But writing a language correctly takes a lot of time and patience. In fact, low or even middle educated European people (no matter if they are German, Dutch, French, Italian, ...) don't succeed in it theirselves!
Unfortunately for a lot of office jobs these days you need to handle the telephone and answer e-mails. So this functions are hard for these people to get.
Is this discrimination?
No, this is a problem with the presence of certain skills needed unfortunately to run such positions and to make sure the organisation can run smoothly in it's communication and is being done effeciently.

In a high-developed economy which is based on knowledge especially, these persons have a problem. Even more so in capital areas where are all head departments situated, requiring highly skilled people, like in Brussels.
Especially since the reaction of the "original youth" is to study even more: overeducation, is also a problem in Europe which is very costly for societies, while the benefits don't outweight the later start on the labour market often. This is because the degrees offered lost their worth.

So it is no surprise the unemployment grade for them is extremely high. Because they have all the odds against them.
It is true we are short of european young people who work for all the older going to retire, but in fact: factories were physical work is highly in demand already left Europe more than a decade ago.

And the white, european christian/jew/ our even the "old" migrants (as old as 1 untill 40 years in Belgian) which were never able to fully learn the language or never got educated to middle educated level, already have unemployment grades raising until 30% and more! Almost 20% of german youngters today have a risk of living in poverty and being socially excluded.

So, while demographically one could argue that we need young people to work in order to make sure the retired ones get their retirement fees (which they worked for but is used by our government already), in reality the picture is a lot more complex.
Simply, the jobs which are suited for "new coming" people where education, nor language knowledge is of none importance, are already gone.
Indeed, in terms of numbers (sounding inhumane) there is massive "excess" of people here already with low education and non specific skills who can integrate in our labour market which is knowledge and skills focused.

On the other hand: probably in Africa and the middle east there are people too which are highly educated and highly skilled. But is it ethical to drain that people to western europe, why so much still need to be done in this developing countries?

zondag 9 augustus 2015

De waarheid heeft zijn rechten - Bea Cantillon in de tijd over taxshift

In De Tijd laat Bea Cantillon zich in een interview uit over de recente taxshift die België onderging.

Het land gaat namelijk al een tijdje gebukt onder hoge loonlasten die het voor werkgevers onaantrekkelijk maken werknemers aan te werven. Een werknemer die netto zo'n 1500 euro ontvangt, betekent voor de werkgever een werkelijke kost van een slordige 3500 euro. Driemaal het bedrag dat de werknemer ontvangt dus... Een werknemer belonen is tevens moeilijk daar de werkgever dan al snel diep in eigen vel snijdt wegens de regel van drie.
Daarom werden er allerhande alternatieven ontwikkeld. Extralegale voordelen, waarover later meer.

Deze rechtse regering, de Zweedse coalitie, zou dit hekele probleem wat al enkele decennia hooguit met loodgierij-werken wordt opgelost, eindelijk aanpakken.
Dat valt niet mee, indien je met drie partijen in de regering zit waarvan één met een identiteitscrisis krampt en zich in rechtse aangelegenheden zo links mogelijk poogt te gedragen om haar achterban niet te schaden. Maar zich in linkse aangelegenheden zo rechts mogelijk opstelt om een ander deel van diezelfde achterban niet voor het hoofd te stellen.

Hoe dan ook kwam men tegen alle verwachtingen in nog voor de politieke zomervakantie van 2015 met een bricolage-werk op de proppen, waarop ik in een andere post dieper zal ingaan.

Over deze beslissing laat professor Cantillon zich negatief uit. Mogelijks niet zonder recht en reden.
Alleen is het in een discussie wel zo ernstig om de juiste argumenten te gebruiken en geen hele leugens en halve waarheden te verkondigen.
Een interview dat een zinnige bijdrage levert moet niet dienen om iemands gebrek aan kennis weer te geven, een interview moet kritisch zijn ten opzichte van de genomen beslissingen met onderbouwde argumenten. De onderbouwing is er, maar waarop steunt ze?

Al bij de introductie loopt het mis met een stelling die op z'n zachtst gezegd discutabel is.
Bij aanvangt verklaart mevrouw Cantillon blijkbaar dat de regering de verlaagde loonlast (van 33 naar 25%) met name wil bekostigen via het activeren van enerzijds langdurig zieken en anderzijds oudere werklozen die "de markt niet nodig heeft".
Nochtans lees ik bij heel veel vacatures dat ervaring vereist is, iets wat toch vooral oudere werknemers hebben?
De reden waarom mensen met een verminderde productie (wat in de regel geldt voor mensen met beperkingen door medische klachten, maar helaas ook vaak voor mensen "op leeftijd", al worden onze senioren gelukkig dagelijks fitter) niet worden aangeworven op de arbeidsmarkt is niet omdat ze niet nodig zijn. Integendeel, bepaalde sectoren schreeuwen om personeel. Denk maar aan de zorgsector, de IT-sector, maar ook de boekhouding, administratief / secretariaatspersoneel, onderhoudspersoneel, huishoudhulpen als technisch geschoold personeel.
Alleen is de kost van oudere werknemers bijzonder hoog door het systeem van anciënniteit, in verhouding tot de mogelijke opbrengst van een oudere werkgever (die na ingewerkt te zijn en dus na een investering van het bedrijf een hoger risico zal hebben op ziekte/invaliditeit, mantelzorg, mogelijke verlofsystemen alsook natuurlijk sneller de pensioenleeftijd zal bereiken).

‘De regering gaat ervan uit dat ze miljoenen kan besparen door langdurig zieken en oudere werknemers naar werk te begeleiden. De harde waarheid is dat de jobs voor die mensen er niet vanzelf komen, want de markt heeft hen niet nodig.
Daar een onderneming in de eerste plaats ook zijn eigen continuïteit en dus voortbestaan beoogt te behouden, en als het even kan liefst een voldoende inkomen moet verwerven aan de ondernemer en zijn personeelsleden waartegenover men verantwoordelijk is, is het maar logisch dat men voorzichtig is met mensen aanwerven die in verhouding duurder en risicovoller zijn.
Dat wil echter helemaal niet zeggen dat de markt deze mensen niet nodig heeft!
Voor zieken en / of invaliden geldt hetzelfde verhaal. Deze mensen kunnen nog ontzettend goed inzetbaar zijn, maar in een aangepaste job, of met aangepaste uren. Iemand kan bijvoorbeeld van thuis uit werken op de uren die hij/zij wenst. Maar het verschil tussen 38 uren of halftijds werken versus volledig inactief zijn is erg groot. Bovendien draagt het ook zeker niet altijd bij tot het welzijn van de zieke.
‘De regering gaat ervan uit dat ze miljoenen kan besparen door langdurig zieken en oudere werknemers naar werk te begeleiden. De harde waarheid is dat de jobs voor die mensen er niet vanzelf komen, want de markt heeft hen niet nodig.
Deze mensen krijgen echter niet de kans om al was het maar 1 à 10 uurtjes per week te werken, want het systeem laat dat simpelweg niet toe. Bovendien draagt de werkgever hier opnieuw het volledige risico ingeval van ziekte. En iemand die een dag komt werken, tien dagen uitvalt, en dit maanden op rij, moet telkens door de werkgever doorbetaald blijven worden alsof hij gewoonweg komt werken.
Op deze manier krijgt de bedrijfswereld vanuit de overheid de impliciete boodschap ver van minder gezonde medewerkers weg te blijven. Indien zij iemand met een problematiek aanwerven, is het risico immers volledig voor hun.

Kleinere puntjes die wijzen op een gebrek aan kennis of een poging tot stemmingmakerij zijn dat de professor beweert dat deze taxshift voor de laaggeschoolden nutteloos is, daar de loonlasten voor deze categorie al op 25% lagen. De regering heeft echter enkele dagen na het kenbaar maken van de taxshift aangekondigd ook voor deze groep inspanningen te zullen doen.

Ten derde wordt er gesuggereerd dat het onduidelijk is voor wie de 100 euro netto extra per maand is. Dit blijkt echter gespecifieerd te zijn als de mensen die minder dan 2400 euro bruto per maand verdienen, een duidelijk afgebakende groep. De pers een beetje bijhouden of dat door je medewerkers laten doen is steeds mooi meegenomen voor je je aan uitspraken over een bepaald thema waagt.

Een ander feit waar mevrouw Cantillon het niet te nauw neemt met de waarheid is de gratuite bewering dat zowat alle uitkeringen in België onder de armoedegrens liggen (naargelang de instantie vastgesteld op een 950 à 1000 euro voor een alleenstaande in België). Dit is echter pertinent onwaar, zoals een getraind lezer wel kan afleiden uit de uitspraak die zeer aspecifiek is.
Welke uitkeringen liggen er hier boven de armoedegrens?
- De inkomensgarantie voor ouderen die over onvoldoende financiële middelen beschikken, geldt weliswaar enkel voor mensen met de Belgische nationaliteit en vluchtelingen of staatslozen ligt boven de armoedegrens (1011.70 euro voor een alleenstaande)
- De werkloosheidsuitkering is nadat er voldoende gewerkt is afhankelijk van hoogte van het inkomen, al daalt deze sinds de regering Di Rupo wel in de tijd
- Het minimumbedrag van de arbeidsongeschiktheids- (<1 arbeidsongeschikt="" de="" en="" invaliditeitsuitkering="" jaar=""> 1 jaar arbeidsongeschikt) die beide berekend worden op de inkomsten ingeval het een regelmatig werknemer betreft, liggen boven de armoedegrens.

Wie krijgt dan wel een inkomen onder de armoedegrens (dit is het Belgische bestaansminimum, op dit moment vastgelegd op 817 euro voor een alleenstaande)?
- Leefloners krijgen 817 euro, mààr een OCMW mag beslissen om zelf naargelang het gevoerd beleid extra middelen aan personen toe te kennen. Sommige OCMW's hebben hiervoor al modellen ontwikkeld om steuntrekkenden aan de hand van enkele parameters objectieve bedragen te kunnen toekennen die boven de armoedegrens liggen. De 817 euro is dus de ondergrens die men krijgt. Elk OCMW kan beslissen om meer te geven.
Indien er problemen zijn, kan een leefloner ook steeds om extra steun vragen waarbij er geval per geval wordt beoordeeld of de steun wordt toegekend (bv bij aankoop bril, wagen, medische kosten, ...).
- Werkzoekenden die of niet, of onvoldoende (om de berekening obv hun voorbije beroepsinkomsten te maken) gewerkt hebben of langer dan twee jaar werkloos zijn, krijgen oomk maar een 817 euro
- Mantelzorgers die thuisblijven om hun functie uit te oefenen
- Mensen die vrijwillig halftijds werken, dus zonder dat ze halftijds werkzoekenden toeslag krijgen, kunnen een inkomen hebben dat lager ligt dan de armoedegrens (in dit geval loont het werken dus niet)
De arbeidsongeschiktheids- of invaliditeitsuitkering voor niet-regelmatige werknemers ligt onder de armoedegrens (817 euro)
- Stuitend is dat de personen met een handicap die alleenstaand zijn (Inkomensvervangende tegemoetkoming voor personen met een handicap van het VAPH, met een verdienvermogen van minder dan 1/3e van een valide persoon) ook slechts het minium krijgen, namelijk 817 euro.
Indien ze hulpmiddelen nodig hebben voor hun zelfredzaamheid kunnen ze echter wel beroep doen op een integratietegemoetkoming maar het basisbedrag ligt voor deze mensen die niet kunnen werken en dit waarschijnlijk nooit kunnen, wel bijzonder laag. Voor deze mensen mag er wel opgekomen worden!

Er moet geen tekening bij gemaakt worden dat 817 euro voor een alleenstaande uiteraard een bijzonder karig bedrag is om maandelijks mee rond te komen, indien men geen beroep kan doen op een sociale woning maar op de privé-markt terecht moet en bijvoorbeeld een wagen heeft, is het bijvoorbeeld onmogelijk. Daarom zal men dan keuzes moeten maken. Gelukkig geven de meest sociale woonmaatschappijen voorrang aan mensen in de meest penibele situaties.

Dit systeem van gesubsidieerd kopen of huren van sociale woningen, alsook andere herverdelingssystemen (zoals de verhoogde tegemoetkomingen bij medische onkosten, sociaal abonnement openbaar vervoer, verhoogde kinderbijslag, ...) compenseren voor het inkomen dat onder de armoedegrens ligt.
Een laaggeschoold werknemer die aan het minimumloon werkt (al dan niet via interimcontracten met tussentijdse perioden van werkloosheid) kan geen beroep doen op deze voordelen. Daarom zal deze werknemer soms zelfs slechter af zijn dan de personen die officieel wel een uitkering krijgen die onder de armoedegrens ligt.
Dat kan hetgeen Bea Cantillon opmerkt, namelijk de structureel hoge werkloosheid bij laaggeschoolden waarvan dus geweten is dat ze onafhankelijk van de conjunctuur is, verklaren. Maar liefst 64% van deze mensen is werkloos!

(Op dit moment wordt het beeld natuurlijk negatief vertekend door de verschuiving van arbeidsintensieve werkplaatsen naar de lageloonlanden enerzijds en anderzijds een instroom van mensen uit nabijgelegen lagere loonlanden voor wie het wel nog loont om hier deze jobs met lagere verdiensten te komen doen, daar zij door het niet hebben van de Belgische nationaliteit geen beroep kunnen doen op de voordelen en de inkomsten vergelijken met de inkomsten in eigen land: kijk maar naar de vele Oost-Europeanen die actief zijn in de bouw, transport, schoonmaak, productie, ... en elke andere sector waarin jobs voorhanden zijn die een minimum aan taalkennis maar wel fysieke activiteit vereisten (bv sommige verkoops- en administratiefuncties)

Tot zover de nepargumenten waarmee mevrouw Cantillon een bepaalde stelling probeert te onderbouwen. Een stelling die op zich misschien wel verdedigbaar is, maar men kan zich niet van de indruk ontdoen dat dit meer van lobbywerk wegheeft voor mogelijke verenigingen dan van een objectieve kijk geven op het werk van de regering, door het gebruik van flagrante onjuistheden of uitspraken die kort door de bocht zijn.

Alsof dat allemaal niet erg genoeg is voor iemand die een nobele zaak moet verdedigen en waarvan je bijgevolg een meer dan behoorlijke dosis ethiek verwacht, komt het pas echt tot een cliffhanger van jewelste in de conclusie van het artikel. Hierin antwoordt mevrouw Cantillon op de vraag waarom dit dan wel zo'n probleem is. De metode die ze toepast herkennen we van de technieken die het Vlaams Belang hanteert: bangmakerij. Andere argumenten kunnen er blijkbaar niet verzonnen worden.
We krijgen een behoorlijk dreigement voor de kiezen: het zal niet fijn meer zijn om in deze samenleving te leven.
Ach zo? Is dit niet behoorlijk subjectief? Sinds wanneer mogen we zelf niet meer bepalen wat we al dan niet fijn vinden?

Waarom zegt ze niet gewoon wat ze denkt? Dat bepaalde groepen indien ze denken dat ze te weinig krijgen in verhouding tot waartoe ze recht op menen te hebben (ingeval je niet bijdraagt is het niet erg logisch dat je recht op vanalles hebt want op basis waarvan zijn die rechten dan gebaseerd? Op het feit dat je ademt? Geboren bent? op Belgische bodem verblijft? ) wel eens maatschappelijk deviant gedrag kunnen gaan vetonen (lees: gewelddadig middelen komen afnemen).
Alleen is de vraag of dat een manier is om een samenleving te besturen? Moeten we uit angst voor het feit dat degenen die met de handen open staan in de hoop dat de gebraden kippen in de mond vliegen met dank aan zij die wel een bijdrage leveren, misschien met een kalasjnikov achter ons aan komen ze dan maar alles geven?
Een vraag die iedereen voor zichzelf moet beantwoorden. Maar waar eindigt het dan? En zijn er individuen die denken dat ze ooit genoeg krijgen? En daarom niet meer op hun eigen manier zullen proberen "bij te verdienen"? Ik denk het niet ...
Criminaliteit wil niet noodzakelijk zeggen dat men te weinig heeft, wel dat men meer wil.

woensdag 24 augustus 2011

Pukkelpop drama 2011: critical questions

As a Flemish person, I want to say something to the other countries surrounding us about the way this terrible disaster is handled in Belgium.

I know this is a very delicate case and please I hope so much that no-one will judge me as some-one that wants to take advantage of the disaster by writing about it on her blog, hoping that it will attract people and that the blog visitors amount will grow. I have seen many people getting and been giving this judgement to other people e.g. starting up facebook groups about the event to support all damaged, hurted families, victims, etc...

Picture of when they were building Pukkelpop 2011, last week

before the festival would take off, taken from

This persons were blamed as taking profit from another one's death's or misery to gain attention themselves, but on the other hand: people that started up groups to thank Chokri and the organisation for their great work were also set up. No-one was there to judge these people for doing that ... while if you start to consider everything that way, we can better all stop to express ourselves cause maybe we just do it to get attention.
While I in contrary think that it is very important that people, after a disaster like this in which many families, colleagues, friends, people you know, ... (Limburg is not a big community and after all it's a small world, 60 000 people were there, meaning more or less 120 000 parents, maybe 240 000 grand parents, causins, uncles, aunts, colleagues, class mates, ... so everyone knew somebody that had been on pukkelpop or could imagine what terrible feelings must go to another one having his beloved child, sister, brother, or partner there ... can express what they think about it. Is it live to each other, to facebook, or to another channel ... We should talk and ventilate our thoughts and feelings about it. In this way we can mourn and process the events. And after all, after so much powerlessness we all felt the first moments and hours (and maybe even days), it was the damn only thing we could do ...

So, this is the disclaimer, now what I think and feel about this disaster and especially some remarks and questions about how it is being handled by the media (all media including newspapers and social media like facebook):

Even though I wasn't there. I live within a small half an hour (driving, direct distance is shorter) of the fields were Pukkelpop has been organised since '85 by Chokri Mahassine.

For more then half a decade, i have been visiting the festival myself with my friends and I really had great times there. On that moment I have gone trough a great rise of the ticket price and the amount of people being permitted on the fields were at that time 120 000, spread over 3 days. So like 40 000 visitors in a day. Nowadays 60 000 persons were on the field. I don't know if the site has made bigger. I suppose it is and all this is according standards to guarantuee this crowd safetiness. Though, we all know such big crowds contain certain risks ... one of them is stampede which even can come without a cause as we have seen regretfully at the Love Parade in Duisburg.

For me seeing the storm that day left a deep impact on me. When hearing the news to look how much the storm had devastated, we realised Pukkelpop was in it's first day. 60 000, especially young people, on an open field, with only some tents to protect themselves... in this storm. When we realised what could have happened we started to panic. For none of us it was difficult to imagine what disaster might have passed there and how terrible all parents having their children their, must have feelt in this moments. My sister wasn't home at the moment when the storm came up and it was clear to me that it wasn't a normal storm. So I immediately contacted her to say her: where-ever you are: stay inside. Don't go outside. Too dangerous. We were paniced because of her and she wasn't even on Pukkelpop so you can imagine ... On 18.07h (or 6.07pm) plus minus we tried to sent her a message, but by that time already there was no connection possible. You could only call emergency numbers...

For me terrible hours were going to come cause I had lots of friends and people I know being on the festival. All people I know seemed to be okay but needless to say all of them have been horrified because they feart death and some might have been traumatised for whole their lives. What would have been one of the climaxes of the holiday for most young people, ended up in the worst disaster movie they could imagine and they were live on the scene... and saw things children/young adults aren't supposed to see (even adults aren't supposed to see them), felt things this young people aren't supposed to feel ... and so on. Many people also blog about this (in dutch, on blogs, fora, ...).
Also needless to say I watched the media close in the hours from the disaster and the hours to come.

I want to say to the people from other countries, what has happened after this disaster in Belgium minds and in Belgium media, is for me very disappointing and even gives me great doubs about justice and logical thinking in our country.

Chokri has been worshipped as a hero by youngsters and all generations that could take benefits of the fact that he organised this great festivals (after Pukkelpop, he also organised Rimpelrock: a festival for elderly, the meaning of rimpel is "wrinkle", so quiet similar with his first festival "pukkel", wich is the flemish name to point to the acne spots young people in puberty have oftenly on their faces).

Hours after the disaster, Chokri Mahassine gathered the press to give an official statement (in dutch). He was very quick to say "we couldn't have foreseen this" "this is a terrible disaster", "no-one knew this was coming on" "I have been in many many countries, seen tropical storms but this was nothing like this. This I have never ever seen in my live". "We didn't know it was going to happen".

The press was very quickly to took over this statement and very sudden after that facebook groups appeared thanking Chokri and supporting him for his great loss and the tragedy ... stating "no one is guilty and no one could have foreseen this disaster".

But the question is: is it true what he said? Did the organisation of the festival (the factory, officially a non-profit organisation) indeed nothing about what was going to come or to happen there?

Chokri was asked by a suspicous and critical journalist of the VRT (the only Flemish public channel) if they even kept the weather into account organising this kind of big events in open air, with 10 000s of people and no where to go or hide except a tent ... "Yes of course, we check this, by way of saying, every half an hour" ... This answer of Chokri was rather painful. But no information about how they checked it, did they have a responsible person for this, was the forecast giver making a big mistake? Or where they just hoping the storm wouldn't pass them?

Because ... in contrary to what Chokri says, this storm HAS BEEN PREDICTED. Already days beforehand we knew in Flanders locally heavy storms might arise. The national weather institute (KMI, that gave a special detailled information about what happened there at these particular evening) gave a warning code orange (second highest) for a big part of Belgium. In this part on the very same evening there would be 60 000 mainly young people being gathered together, with only tents to hide, in an open field, with lots of trees and other stuff much lighter then trees that could easily being catched by the wind (equipment for light, music, electricity, sanitary services (showers, toilets), fences, ...

What does code orange actually mean? From the website of the national Belgian weather institute (see above) (the reference point most people look at if they want information about the weather) copied ...

Hevige en verspreide onweders worden verwacht in één of meer regio’s. Dit weersverschijnsel kan gepaard gaan met intense buien, hagelbuien en/of hevige rukwinden. Dit weersverschijnsel kan gepaard gaan met grote schade aan gebouwen, ontwortelde bomen, blikseminslagen en plaatselijke wateroverlast. Zulke situaties kunnen ook levensbedreigend zijn bij het nemen van al te grote risico’s. Wees op uw hoede.
(sorry in dutch)

And translated:

"Very heavy and spreaded thunderstorms are being expected in one or more regions. This weather phenomenon can carry heavy rainfalls, hail and very fast moving air currents (winds). This weather phenomenon can cause large damage on buildings, derooted trees, lightning crashes and local flooding. This situation can also be life threatening if you take big risks so please be careful."

Damage on buildings, derooted trees, ... possible...

Fallen tree at Pukkelpop 2011

Damage on buildings and trees being rupted out of the ground says enough I think. On Pukkelpop indeed trees collapsed, to hit people and tents, that collapsed too, by the trees, by the wind or by the rain. Obviously tents are much less strong then buildings. So if you know even a building can get harmed, you know what is going to happen with tents...

Suppose the organisation knew about this weather prediction but was doubting if this was a right prediction, and a possible scenario for his festival. Then there were many alternative possibilities: he could have checked many other weather sites to (dis)confirm the prediction:

Estofex e.g., the site you can check if you are doubting if a storm will come or not. Estofex predictions for that day were very clear:

a storm would hurt the festival, maybe very badly, given the damage it already had caused on the places where it was passed.

Even on Estofex, they predicted already days beforehand a big storm for exactly those parts of Belgian where it has arrived with the possible formation of some supercells. They said even tornadoes where possible...

This is exactly what they said (see Estofex, archive):

A level 2 was issued for parts of N France, W Germany, and the SE Benelux countries, primarily for large hail and severe wind gusts, and to a lesser extent for tornadoes.


Concluding, it appears that a few supercells will move eastward across the level 2 area with a large hail threat and locally severe winds. An isolated tornado cannot be ruled out, most likely near or just north of the front,


The storms will probably cluster over time, and we expect them to evelolve into bowing structures moving eastward across SE Benelux into adjacent Germany.

If that even let Chokri or the organisation doubt about the possible storm, then he could also check:, on this website you can see radar images about clouds and storms gathering above Belgium. It was clear to see something was coming up. More then one hour before the disaster happened at the Pukkelpop scene in Kiewit (Hasselt), Brussels and Flemish Brabant got a very big storm as predicted by the KMI. There was damage everywhere. This was already being told on diverse news websites. And you could see the gigantic storm (one of the biggest ever seen in Belgium) passing further over our country, right to the direction of Limburg, where the festival was organised ... On that moment it was 1 hour ago and there was very few doubt a very strong and severe strom would pass over Limburg, where Hasselt en Pukkelpop were going on...

Also, some people that visited the festival stated they have been told by cooperators of the festival that a great storm was going to come up ...

In Limburg (the province where Hasselt is the capital of) that something was coming up and that it could be very strong, we in fact already knew it days beforehand.

Even before this happening in Brussels, farmers harvested their hay already because they knew it would be lost ... Since the morning in Flanders indeed, people that saw the weather forecast were already warning each other to be inside in the evening, park their cars inside or cover them, ... because something big was predicted (code orange) to come up by the KMI.

As an argument to defend Chokri or who knows who people were even saying: this was unpredictabled and no-one could have helped this. Even buildings were ruined.
Yes ... but is that not just an argument that should be used by the other camp, being the persons asking critical questions about the organisation. Indeed, if a storm is predicted to be so harsh that even buildings will be damaged, what do you think will happen with a tent or trees? And do you think it is smart to gather 60 000 people unter and around then then?

I have my doubts ... In the meantime everywhere on the media (from official media to faceook to twitter to fora and blogs everyone is admiring the organisation of Pukkelpop, Chokri in particular as if they are the one with the biggest los ... But I think about it differently and I am quiet shocked no-one seems to ask the question about who is responsible. Or some people do, but they answer very quickly: the weather is responsible. So the debate is closed and eh... the storm is over (by coïncidence to say that a very heavy debate is closed).

Still I think there might have been a chance that this drama didn't have so many people involved, knowing what I know.

Or did the organisation really not know anything about the weather? Then maybe they should ask theirselves questions about the meteorogical service they use, or they should start to use one (if they don't, what is not what Chokri stated officially).

Maybe they did expect a storm but didn't expect it was so heavy. Even then I ask myself many questions. But this post is already to long so, maybe to be continued.

What is resting me is to express my deepest condoleances and feeling of sorrow and sadness to all the people that have been directly or indirectly hurt badly by this tragedy. I'm thinking on the direct victims (five lives have been taken :-s, also still more then 10 people are laying in the hospital heavily injured), hundreds of injured people and the many many many people that have been hurt psychologically by this experience, what they have gone trough that evening and night, what they have seen, ...

Many thanks and respect on the other hand to all the people that were the official volunteers and cooperators of Pukkelpop, to the spontaneous people volunteering for help that had followed a medical education (student nurses or nurses, student doctors or doctors or just people without education that wanted to help) and knew they could use their help without any personal importance, and all other people, including neighbours, people living close to the festival or even people living in Limburg that spontaniously tried to do everything within their possibilities to help the affected and injured people as much as possible and even safed lifes! And not to forget of course the official "helpmen": firemen, policemen, ambulance people, first aid workers, doctors, nurses, surgeons, logistic people, ... many thanks to help all the ones we love so much!! You have created miracles and tried to create a piece of heaven, on a place where hell has just been.
Thank you very much!!
Big support with processing all the events for all who need it and please seek for help if you think it is necesarry, because it is not abnormal to have difficulties after a shaking event like this.

zondag 18 juli 2010

Health hazards in Mexican gulf due oil spill

Crude oil may not flow in the Gulf anymore right now, but a lot of chemicals escaped in the last three months from the Mexican Gulf and may still escape e.g. from travelling from water into the air. This chemicals may as wel origin from the crude oil itself as from gases escaping with the oil as well as from the dispersants.
A lot of these chemicals are able to affect the functioning of the body, at diverse levels. In doing so, dependent of the level of which an organism / human has been exposed to these chemicals, they may cause light, moderate or possibly severe health concerns.

For worrying locals looking for information, on this site from sciencecorps, an overview of health hazards have been given. The site is scientifically and has trustable sources that are published too at the bottom of each part to verify the given information.
So for more information, please see here:

Without meaning to elicit panic, I want to say to everyone who is living in areas that close to the borders of the Gulf Spill, please try to follow EPA reports of hazardous chemicals in the air, water or soil.
Even if you live far from the oil spill or didn't noticed anything, be aware that not all chemicals (or levels of chemicals) can be sensed by humans (by smelling or feeling it by causing physical symptoms) so not noticing anything doesn't mean that safety barriers aren't exceeded.

vrijdag 16 juli 2010

Gulf leak closed, temporarily!!

Finally, after almost 3 months of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, it has now stopped leaking!

BP designed a custom-made 75 tons heavy cap to contain the oil from flowing in the open sea. I'm very excited about this and I don't want to destroy this moment what must be a moment of happines, especially for all directly and indirectly (we all) involved people. For me, it's a moment of joy too. But ... we must remember that the present closing of the leak is aimed to be temporarily and it is mainly a test (called the '(well) integrity test') to explore the strength of the well... and if you ask me, it will be a test of the strength of the casing too!

The pressure will be monitored closely. Each 6 hours, a decision of continuation or cancellation will be made based on the provided pressure data.
If pressure remains high for the upcoming 48 hours, meaning that the oil has no other way out and there are no other (yet invisible) leaks in the well or casing (or worse: ocean floor...), this will mean a condition for a permanent stopping of the oil leak due to the use of the two relieve wells has been established. This permanent solution will be tested on late August. In the meantime (and if the pressure on the present cap sustains,) there may be decided to keep this cap onto the oil leak, meaning it will be completely shutted down for the upcoming weeks, which is good news to (ocean) life.

The pressure dropping will be a bad sign meaning that solutions to permanently close the leak will need to be revised. In this case, the test will be stopped after 6 hours, removing the cap from the leak to prevent possibly further rupturing of a new leak (in the well, casing or ocean floor) which may be far more difficult to stop.

This tests certainly holds dangers, because some sources reported already visible ruptures in the ocean floor and in the casing (e.g. on YouTube, you can see a film of an ex Shell employee stating that there's no chance the case isn't ruptured after such a big explosion, of course, it is likely that Shell will not hurry to spread good news about its concurrent). This will mean that there's no known way to stop the oil from flowing, except maybe bombing it ... which will hold evident risks and an uncertain outcome.

maandag 12 juli 2010

Photos of the Gulf you don't want to see.

What BP is trying to hide from the world, and I understand why...

!!! Warning: shocking pictures!!!

In my quest for how things really were in the Gulf, reported by locals and uncensored by some 'big forces', I remember I came across a blog of someone crossing trough an affected areas... This person stated that he (or she) stopped by the seashore to take a look at the damage the oil leak and 'preventing' it's damage (by means of Corexit...) caused. Large groups of fishes swimming upside down very close to the waters surface and gasping for air were reported. Now there's more then this person's text...

This is not a way, but water as you can see... with tiny dead fishes in it ...

Here they are too, but washed ashore....

As you can see on their size, they must have been on nearly the bottom of our food chain. And they are millions ... I mean were. :-s

Most of these pictures date from May / begin June ..........................................................

Thanks too Washington's blog and Jonathan Elinoff for these and more pictures of the oil spill disaster that may not be seen.
For more pictures and other news, see:

zondag 4 juli 2010

Hiding the extent of the disaster from the public

The BP way to hide the extent of the disaster:

1. Forbid the press to enter the affected areas and do the same to the public. Use the excuse that the affected places are now you're work area and the clean-up may be hindered or dangerous situations may be created for the clean-up workers...(?!)
Threat curious journalists with imprisoning and large fines.

2. If one area seems to be unaffected superficially (meaning: no visible tar balls nor crude oil on the beach because it is covered with a new fresh layer of sand obviously from somewhere else (see other unconfirmed blogs stating this here), nor affected water because Corexit broke the big oil layers into small droplets spreading everywhere in the water) invite the press so they can spread the news of the 'clean' beaches and water. If a politician or alike will visit the beaches, invite 100s of temporary workers to clean them at an unseen speed and send them home after the politician and cameras have left.

3. Buy popular terms on search engines to control the information availability of the public. Costs: only $50 000 000.

4. Make sure clean-up workers are being photographed cleaning the beaches, but let them do as less as possible as no outsider is around.

Prohibit clean-up workers to wear respiratory protection or any other necessary health protection gear because they are bad for your reputation even though the product's factsheet you are spraying in the air says you need to ware respiratory protection.
Where concentrations in air may exceed the limits given in this section, the use of a half face filter mask or air
supplied breathing apparatus is recommended.
as well as gloves, regular protection clothing and protecting goggles...

According to CNN, 128 clean-up workers got sick.

6. Forbid clean-up workers to spread anything by way of talking, writing, taking pictures or filming what they see on the disaster sites
. Let them sign a contract.

7. Don't mind if the Corexit mixture is up to 4 times more poisonous for people and marine lif
e then the crude oil itself (see for extra information about toxicity of Corexit here) and the mixture can never be retrieved while crude oil on the surface can be skimmed off easily: just use that Corexit in order to prevent that satelites may be able to make pictures of the full extent of the disaster from the skies. The use of Corexit will make the oil sink and as a consequence: invisible to the public as it will fall apart into small droplets beneath the surface (see picture left).
Don't mind that the ecosystem will need maybe more then half a century to recover (at least 3 decades, see Exxon Valdez where Corexit treated areas are still not recovered!) while other solutions such as bacteries can restore the ecosystem in 3 years!!

That this will damage crops and water supplies is just colateral damage. See here everything about Corexit inclusive the letter from EPA to BP where it asks to use more effective and less toxic dispersants:

8. Threat everyone whose trying to break up the huge efforts being taken for censoring the full extent of the disaster you created.

Local photographer Lance Rosenfield says:
He said I could show him the pictures or he could handle this another way, including calling Homeland Security and taking me in. I agreed to show him the pictures on the back of my camera, while he took my driver's license. Meanwhile, the truck that had been following me showed up, driven by a security guard with a BP patch on his uniform.
Read more here:

BP's economist admitted they would never have enough money to restore the environment completely. As we all know, e.g. thanks to Kindra Arnesen for this, BP does everything to minimise clean up costs. Astonishing less clean-up workers and equipment are used, and they aren't used effective... But BP seems to have money to pay these men in blue shirts (see right). Who they are? BP security guards. To prevent whistleblowers...

Is this the beloved American freedom?

zaterdag 3 juli 2010

Toxic air in Gulf Coast imminent? What symptoms and how could this be?

Gases such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride (or chloromethane), and other toxic gases pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of crude oil in the Gulf ara. The allowable levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene according to the EPA are 5-10 parts per billion and 0 respectively.The EPA reported the level detected in the Gulf at almost 1,200 PPB for hydrogen sulfide and 3400 PPB for Benzene during the month of May. The amounts pose a serious health risk to people and animals.

Methylene Chloride is known to cause birth defects and cancer in the lung, kidney and stomach of animals. It also causes kidney, liver and lung damage.

Symptoms being caused by overexposion of Methylene Chloride

See here for more information of Methylene Chloride here:
Hydrogen sulfide is a chemical asphyxiant, similar to carbon monoxide and cyanide gases. It causes "biochemical suffocation" by inhibiting cellular respiration and the uptake of oxygen.
Breathing high levels of hydrogren sulfide can cause the following symptoms:

More information here.

Hydrogen sulfide is considered a broad-spectrum poison, meaning that it can poison several different systems in the body at the same time. As mentioned previously, hydrogen sulfide is a chemical asphyxiant. It is similar to carbon monoxide and cyanide gases. It can be extremely deadly at high concentrations.


Breathing high levels of Benzene can cause the following symptoms:

More information here.

Long-term exposure to Benzene can do a ton of damage to the human body. Benzene actually enters cells and damages DNA material. In addition, benzene is known to cause harmful effects on bone marrow and it can cause a decrease in red blood cells, leading to anemia.

For women, long-term exposure to benzene can result in irregular menstrual periods and a decrease in the size of their ovaries.

In addition, as mentioned previously, benzene is a known cancer-causing agent. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services tells us that exposure to benzene is known to cause leukemia.

Ingredients in Corexit are known to cause cause the following symptoms: central nervous system depression, nausea, unconsciousness, on long term: liver, kidney and red blood cell damage (e.g. hemolysis). See safety data sheet of the product itself.

See here for a better physical explanation of these gases, how they are being formed in the Gulf and how they can get trapped in the air too):

Check the EPA data base daily to see how these chemicals might be building up in your area.
See full EPA reports here:

Although it is not unlikely that especially clean up workers will experience this symptoms: please note that some of these symptoms also occur when exposed to high levels of psychological or fysiological stress which the Gulf citizens and everyone who cares about the environment will experience on this moment for sure...

Knowing that the spreading of especially Corexit (which is heavily polluting and only serves to mask the massiveness of the oil spill to keep up BP's reputation - I wrote about it here) and oil will continu for at least 3 more months since measurements started and airborne pollutants can accumulate in the environment as well as spread further inland and to other continents, this seems like the ideal recipe for an apocalyptical scenario... If I didn't know better, I would say this was the biggest terroristic attack ever on the world's population...

See videos reporting on this issue here: and

Needless to say that fish and animals who are residents of this waters being filled with these oxygen depleting gases could have a more bright looking future...

I'm not a believer of conspiracy theories, nor can I believe this is really truth but ... taken the health information of this gases into account I can somewhere imagine that it is possible that people may being killed by this gases. Was it maybe then true that, as many conspiracy sites state, Obama said to his counterparts during the last G8 that millions would die this year due to the unfolding oil disaster?

Again I want to insist that please people of the U.S. especially and of all nations worldwide we need to take global action for this. It is already been very clear that money still has the highest priority and no sufficient action is being taken to prevent the damage this oil leak can have on all inhabitants of our actually tiny and vulnerable Earth ... If according to you it's not yet time to organise widely protests with millions of people, I don't know when it's going to be time to protest then... We need to protest in front of those buildings where decisions of the future of all life on Earth are being taken, not tomorrow, but now already...

! Please see this site from sciencecorps for a scientifically based overview of all possible health hazards and how to protect yourself.

What BP doesn't want you to see: unconfirmed local reports and other footage

These are non-official messages, pictures and other footage put on the internet by ordinary local people (or "small" people according to BP) which are covering what they see, hear, feel, experience, ... I gathered them from different social media sources: facebook, twitter, forum, blogs, diverse websites, ...

We all know how BP is in charge of the media (internet, newspapers, search engines, ... -> Apparently with money you can buy just everyting, from censorship till the ocean and the right on a clean future) so I am afraid they may give a far more accurate picture of what is really going on in the Gulf and other affected regios then the official mainstream news channels do.

Take a look with me on what they tell us about the spill:

!! WARNING: Content may be shocking!!

* Source: Nick, he covers the disaster in pieces called 'the Black Death", see his website:

Black Death, part I:

I noticed the first unusual smell. It wasn’t unpleasant and smelled sweet, almost like custard. According to most reports, the oil flowing from the leaking well is light sweet crude oil, which contains a very low sulfur content and small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

Black death, part IV:

Picture shows a BP Clean-up worker with his equipment: a shovel for toddlers....

Black death, part V:

This piece is from Black Death (part VI)
The scent hit me before I could see it, a thick, invisible wave of nauseating petroleum vapors rising off the ocean and evaporating from the oil drenched sand. A small crew of workers scooped shovel-loads of oily sand into garbage bags in a losing David vs. Goliath battle that saw a nearly infinite tide of oil washing ashore for every drop that was scooped away. From my vantage point only a dozen feet above the workers, I could hear their mutterings as they cursed the obvious futility of their labor.

Decaying redfish (Sciaenops ocellatus) dotted the sand, most of them appearing almost mummified by the blazing sun. Their bodies lay belly up, internal organs missing and scaly skin hardened like a medieval suit of armor. Their mouths were frozen open in wide, ghastly frowns, their eye sockets empty and dark.
Before long, my senses were overwhelmed by the unmistakable scent of death. I began to notice bones and bodies on and between the rocks, those of birds and fish. On a large rock, two young seagull chicks were baked into a pile of decaying skin and feathers. They were recent victims, perhaps only dead for a day. A few feet away, the large bones of a brown pelican and its oil stained feathers lay between rocks spotted with oil. Brown pelicans were just taken off the US federal endangered and threatened species list in November of last year. Just beyond the rocks, the beach began to open up, formed by sand that washes through the pass and collects along the rocks. This beach was completely drenched with crude oil and it looked as if a cleanup crew had never set foot there.
(...) As I neared the northern side of the island and Barataria Bay, more bones dotted the sand. Bigger ones. As I approached them, the stench grew worse and worse and soon I could see the carcasses of what were clearly more dolphins. (...)

When the photographer went back to his car, BP security contractors asked him:
Why are you coming from the staging area? You don’t have any business being in this area.”

For more information, see:

* Death baby whale that BP was inable to pick up or burn before it was photographed (source: Facebook group boycott BP)

"BP offers settlements to Gulf coastal residents of no more than $5,000 if they give up their right to sue." (J.M., Facebook)

What food will be left?

As BP continues with spraying the higly poisonous toxic Corexit in the Gulf zone. Russian scientists have already warned that this may destroy possibly the entire eastern half of North-America because the dispersant will phase transition into gas and come onto land as toxic rain, destroying crops, food-, water supplies and eventually killing animals and people...
After Louisiana, reports of crop damage in Missisipi pop up too.
Can BP and Obama please think about what food then will be left to eat? Of course, one must not be a clairvoyant to realise that fish and other seafood will be the first to decrease in the Gulf Region. Not only they will decrease, but a lot of them will be poisoned with crude oil, Corexit or it's mixture. Fears that they will eventually end up in our foodchain or in or dishes are not paranoid.
dispersion doesn't make the oil disappear: the droplets collect on the seabed, where they may be consumed by the microorganisms that form the basis of the ocean's food chain. These tiny animals are then eaten by shrimp, oysters and other seafood, many of which could later find their way to the dinner table. Unlike the current crop of tainted fish, which are covered in crude, these fish will carry oil -- and its attendant toxins and carcinogens -- in their flesh.


The future looks dark for Gulf fisheries: unless the FDA can train people to smell oil on the cellular level, chances are that much of the Gulf will be closed to fishing for decades to come.

See more:

Scientific research already pointed out the disturbing fact that crab larvae of the Gulf are cleary affected by oil botches.

about 40 percent of the area where the crab larvae were found has been affected by oil gushing from the broken deepwater well. The orange spots have been detected in crabs across the northern Gulf coast, from southwestern Louisiana to Pensacola, Fla.

So, at least the seafood of the Gulf will be contaminated for decades to come. But will the Corexit-Oil mixture limit itself to the Gulf? We already know that if these disaster and Corexit spreading will go on, they'll turn out to be in the Atlantic Ocean.
The huge oil slick that has spread across the Gulf of Mexico could soon extend its reach, traveling around the tip of Florida and entering Atlantic waters, a computer model suggests.

This means not only the inhabitants of the Gulf waters will be affected ...

A couple weeks ago, I found an article stating that food shortages might soon appear due the shortage of fish and seafood supplies, which form for some nations a giant part of their available food. This was stated by an american government organisation. I think I re-put it somewhere on the internet myself (on facebook or maybe even on this blog) but even though i googled it nearly a half hour, I don't seem able to find it anymore... Although I remember the article was from the very beginning of the oil leak. I think it was like the first half of May, at that time the proportion of the disaster was thought to be far less big ...

The fact that this article seems to be missing (it doesn't prompt up on the search engines like it did a couple weeks ago) is another prove of what we already knew: BP controls the news people get of the "oil spill". and the US government doesn't seem to have any problems with that ...

So, the fish and seafood in the world will drastically decline. As the crops will, which are directly food to humans but also to domesticated animals slaughtered by people to eat them ... So, what will be left then? Insects maybe? Because of their short life cycle they will nearly be affected by the BP oil spill and Corexit use? I think so ...

Please people, let this make clear that worldwide protests are needed urgently!!!

To be continued, I'm afraid...